NAVARATHRI 2021 In Absentia Online Booking Form

You can check your Pooja / Ritual booking status at any time by using Booking ID & Receipt ID after you have made the booking.

You will receive the receipt for your payment by email and please ensure you provide correct email address.

We use Stripe online secure payment gateway to process the donations.



Note: Booking Service Register(BSR) form is an one-time registration form and will save your time for multiple or frequent bookings. Once you are registered BSR form, you do not have to type all your details repeatedly for any booking form. The system will retrieve your details using your registered email address and used for the future bookings. You can manage your BSR details at anytime, anywhere, any device. Please register BSR form first if you wish to do for multiple or frequent bookings. Please click here to register BSR form.

Booking Service Register(BSR) Form

Sorry online booking is closed now for this event. Click here to visit online Booking Pooja / Rituals page.

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